WHS Class of 1973

70th Birthday / Reunion Celebration


When: April 4th & 5th, 2025

Where: Carolina Shores, NC


FRIDAY April 4th from 5pm – 8pm (We can stay longer)

WHERE: Carolina Shores, POA Clubhouse, 17 Lakeview Ct., Carolina Shores, NC 28467

FOOD: Light Fare & hors d’oeuvres

DRINKS: Beer (Mich Light), White Wine, Pop & Water.

If you like, you can bring your own preferred drink &/or food

DRESS: Very Casual


SATURDAY April 5th from 1pm – 4pm (we can stay later)

WHERE: Carolina Shores POA Pavilion, across the street from 2 Carolina Shores Dr. You’ll see the courts & pool. The pavilion is in the back.  Our Rec Area doesn’t have an actual address.

FOOD: It’s a Cookout (Hamburgers & Hotdogs) & Sides

DRINKS: Same as Friday Night

If you like, you can bring your own preferred drink &/or food.

DRESS: Very Casual

ACTIVITIES: Cornhole & Bocce.


We are asking for a donation of $20pp for all of this.



If you are staying here longer, we are open to getting together for other activities of your interest. Just let us know.

Pickleball, Golf, Beaches, Music Venues, Parks, etc.


We are looking forward to seeing everyone in April.


 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Rick Griffith   419.262.3832 / GriffithRJ@hotmail.com

Doug Goldsmith  410.967.5281 / DouglasVGoldsmith@gmail.com

Joe Matthews  910.620.3606 / JMatthews@aol.com

Jerry Ader   443.463.8489 / Jader542305@yahoo.com